Monday, 30 November 2009

First Animatic

Character Design

These are my original character designs. This was for my main character 'Gordon', I decided to go with the bald head and stubble, however i feel the stubble makes my character appear too old, and therefor am thinking of scrapping it. I decided to give my character a unique look by adding a 'ball look' chin. This gives a little hint early on as to what will happen in my storyline.

I decided to use flash to help draw my storyboards, this has had its benefits but also its flaws. It has been realy helpfull to easily change round where I want my character in the scene and to help time out my shots, however it doesnt have the 'hands on' feel, when moving pictures around to best suit the order of events. Using my graphics tablet has helped, although to truly see the development of my story, I need to print off all my drawings including my very early on sketches.

Heres an idea of how the drawings have come out:

I was stuck with an ending to my story, however this was soon sorted by introducing a second character. It gives my story more of a flow and something that is going to deliver that final punch line that the audience will hopefullly remember. When looking at an early soundtrack for my animatic i stumbled across two scores that i was very tempted to use, I couldnt decide which one I wanted to use, as they were so different and both fitted well. I therefor decided to use both of the scores at seperate times in the story. The first track really exagerates the mystery and wonder what our character is feeling, and the second more up-beat track really shows us the false sense of confidence he feels half way through. The second track is still watermarked with the website audio, this is because I wanted time to see if I came across a better track, to save wasting money on one I may decide to later scrap.

Here is a start on a schedule I designed to help keep me on target for my deadlines:

This is my first animatic, it is still unfinished towards the end, there are a lot of holds when actions are supposed to be happening, but you get an idea for the storyline. I will update the video as progress continues.

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